The EAPSI orientation was a good time, some good food and interesting tours and conversation with the other participants. Some highlights: "question time" at the parliament, which is when the opposition party gets to ask the prime minister about policy. Both sides try to advance their positions in the public eye and it gets rowdy as both sides insult and make fun of the other. Also we got to do everything sort of "VIP" at the parliament, cutting in front of big lines which was nice. The most bizarre thing at the parliament was that we got to see into this ballroom which was setting up for some journalists diner, and there was a chorus practicing a song about Obama. It seemed to be set to the tune of that 80s son that goes "I would walk 500 miles." and was mostly complimentary though poking fun at him for canceling trips to Australia twice now. The war memorial was also interesting, a lot of old planes and guns and tanks and such, and some neat dioramas. Unfortunately the WWII part was closed for renovation.
The Shine Dome (Australian Academy of Science)


War Memorial

For RJ: a PPSH
cool pictures